If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:
PO Box 633
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
To explore other ways to contribute contact us online or call us at: 360-679-1039
Thank you for your support! Together, we’re changing lives.
It Takes a Village
Our vision for growth, expanded services and reach is driven by
the critical needs of the families in our community, but we need your help!
The need continues to increase, and insurance and other funding sources
fail to cover critical services. Below are just a few of our services funding gaps.

Adding new services like our Feeding Team, Infant and Toddler Mental Health and our new ABA program will ensure every child and their families have the resources they need to set a course for long-term success. Unfortunately, current funding resources fall short of covering the cost of these services.

Extending our services to areas like San Juan County and Anacortes where services were unavailable is making a huge difference for families. The need continues to grow, we’re stepping up to meet the need, stretching our funds to make services available to every family in need.

While insurance and other funding sources cover our time with families, things like travel, onboarding, training and preventive care are not covered. We need your help bridging this funding gap.
Stepping into the Future
Building on our experience, expertise, and vision, we’re evolving –taking steps to expand our resources and services to meet the needs of more children and their families.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive in-home, early support services for children, ages 0-3, with developmental delays and their families in Island County, San Juan County and Anacortes.
By providing parents/caregivers with guidance, coaching, tools and resources to support each families’ priorities and their child’s unique development needs…
…but we can’t do it alone!

The Need is Growing
Babies are born with unlimited potential, but it’s up to us to help ensure each child has the strongest start possible. In those earliest days and weeks, infants’ brains make connections that are critical to their well-being and development. Infants and toddlers are ready to absorb new information, new environments, and love from their caregivers.
An estimated 15% of children in the United States have at least one developmental delay, yet less than one-fifth of those children receive early intervention services before three years of age.
Our Goals
We’ve added new services to meet the diverse needs of our families. Our integrated, holistic approach
helps families gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to give their child a strong start
and improve the quality of life for the entire family.
To scale these critical services and reach those who need them most, we need your help!
Infant and Toddler Mental Health therapists are part of an integrated team focused on supporting the development of young children. In home visits are tailored to the needs of each child and to help ensure each child has the strongest start possible.
Infant & Toddler
Mental Health
ABA services help children with autism improve their social, communication, and behavioral skills through positive reinforcement. Most funding for this critical service is inadequate or non-existent.
Applied Behavior Analysis
CHERISH™ Team nurtures secure familial relationships for children in foster and out-of-home care placements with home-visit infant mental health services. Insurance programs fail to provide any coverage for this program.
Our unique case management model include a Doctor, Nutritionist, Feeding Therapist and Infant Mental Health provider. Together, they consult with families, provide training and expertise to support a wide range of infant and toddler challenges, but the need is great and we need to scale.
Feeding Team
There is a critical need bridge the gap, expanding our services to children ages 3-5 until they can access support from their local schools.
Expand Services to
Children ages 3-5
Ongoing advocacy is critical to our efforts to meet the growing needs. Add your voice to help ensure families have the resources they need to succeed.
Continuing Advocacy
With Your Help…
we can continue evolving, meeting the unique needs of each child and their families, and setting them on a course for long term success.

Ways to Give
Cash Donation
A one time or monthly cash gift is the most direct way to support our efforts. These simple transactions may provide tax benefits to the donor, and enable us to use your donations where it is needed most.
In Memory or Honor of Someone
Donating in recognition of someone whose life was touched by Steps, or who cares deeply for children and our mission is a great way to honor them.
Monthly Donations
A monthly pledge of any amount helps us bridge the funding gap and fully support the needs of the children and families we serve.
Additional Contributions
Donating directed IRA distributions, stocks or securities can provide significant tax benefits while having a huge impact on Steps impact. Email at donate@takingstepstogether.org or call 360-679-1039 to explore options.