is fueled by our commitment to helping meet the needs of children with developmental delays and their families. Our service areas include Whidbey Island, Anacortes and the San Juan Islands.
Our Highly Skilled,
of trained early learning and pediatric care professionals
are continuously evolving their knowledge and expertise,
incorporating best practices in special education,
specialized therapies, nursing, and social work.
We inform, educate, and empower parents and caregivers
to understand and support their child’s development
journey and celebrate as they conquer each milestone.

Local Care, Boundless Potential
From birth to age 3, Steps is committed to providing children of
diverse beginnings and their families with the care, treatment, guidance, tools, and
resources they need to grow, learn and thrive.

Reach out with a self-referral or a referral from a doctor or other caregiver.

We customize a care plan with personalized goals and the specialist your child needs to succeed.

Our family support helps you understand your child’s needs and weave learning into daily activities.

We provide information, resources and guidance to help you become effective advocates.

Focus on Success
We work with parents, caregivers and the entire family to support their child’s unique needs.
Evaluate each child’s strengths and needs
Set personalized progress markers
Customized approach
Plan services based on each child’s unique needs
Inform, involve and support the entire family
Getting Started
Engaging with the STEPS team is easy.
Your pediatrician or primary care physician may refer you, or you can self-refer.
Knowing what to expect can often make the journey easier. The diagram below provides a brief snapshot of our process. Click on the numbers for details on the steps you can take along the way.

1. Connect
provider may refer you, or
you can self-refer.
2. Scheduling
3. Intake
1. Family orientation – review available services.
2. Family interview to identify concerns/priorities.
4. Evaluation
a. Each child is evaluated by the Steps team.
b. Parents/caregivers participate in process.
c. Share findings and determine need for services.
5. Define Personalized Goals
Create Individualized Family Service Plan.
6. Services Begin
Provided in home services using parent/caregiver coaching model.
7. Reviews
Review Individualized Family Service Plan to determine progress based on family priorities and make changes as needed.
8. Next Steps
Transition Planning begins prior to 3rd birthday.
“Steps had no waiting list. From a parent that works
in the healthcare industry, this was incredible.”
Children and Family Services
Birth to 3 Years Old
Children’s services are customized based on each child’s unique needs, addressing all types of delays, disabilities and developmental disorders. Services include Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Feeding Therapy, Infant Toddler Education and Parent/Family Coaching.

Neurodevelopmental Centers of Excellence
The Steps team provides therapies, coaching and services for young children with neuromuscular or developmental disorders and their families.

Early Support for Infants
& Toddlers
Early intervention services are designed to enable children birth to 3 with developmental delays or disabilities to be active and successful during the early childhood years and in the future in a variety of settings—in their homes, in child care, in preschool or school programs, and in their communities.

CHERISH™ Team nurtures secure familial relationships for children in foster and out-of-home care placements with home-visit infant mental health services.
“Every step was explained, and Steps helped us get things set up for when our son turned 3 years and his care would change to the school district.”
– Parent
We help parents and caregivers – a child’s first and best teacher – gain knowledge, skills, and the confidence to give their child a stronger start and needed advocacy. By providing guidance, coaching, tools and resources to support their priorities and their child’s unique development needs we help improve the quality of life for the entire family.

Parent & Caregiver
In home visits and coaching help parents learn to support their child’s immediate needs and ongoing growth by weaving developmental activities into daily routines.

Support &
Steps provides an extensive collection of resources, toolkits and reference materials including a list of local community, school and military programs.

Family Resource Coordination
Information and education help parents become confident and effective advocates. As you navigate the future, it’s important to know your child’s rights and communicate their needs.
“(Our son) is continuing to show us that he can do
whatever he puts his mind to, just at his pace.”
the fabric of
community support
Our strong community relationships help facilitate each child’s smooth transition to school services, access medical follow-up and other community resources needed to reach their developmental milestones and thrive.

Shaping Strong Beginnings
Each child’s future ability to pay attention; adapt in flexible ways; learn in school and in life situations; make friends; and manage unpleasant emotions, depend on early social emotional development, creating caring connections that form a trusting bond with those around them.
Babies are born with unlimited potential. Our Infant and Childhood Mental Healthcare team works with families to help ensure each child has the strongest start possible.
Learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
Reach Out to Take Your First Step.
PO Box 633
950 SE Regatta Drive #101
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
Fax: 360-679-6646